Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tastykake® Kandy Bar Kakes

I couldn't even wait to show you the bar (perfect timing for the TastyKake to show up, I was craving chocolate)!

My yummy Tastykake was of the Marshmallow variety, which has chocolate, marshmallow, and a cookie.. They even come in two other varieties: York Peppermint Patties and Hershey S'mores.  It is small enough that you don't have a sugar overload, but big enough to keep your taste buds least until you need a Tastykake fix!

You could even cover it with strawberries, peanut butter, or ice cream if you need even more sweetness. It's great warm or room temperature with a nice, cold glass of milk.

Any way you eat a Tastykake® Kandy Bar Kake it will be the perfect dessert! If you feel a craving coming on, fulfill it by going to the Tastykake website

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